Facility Help Desk

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Facility Help Desk

Price: USD 85.00

This resource is designed for "front office" employees in Facility Services who are in direct contact clients and customers. They will be the person in charge of a Help Desk, Service Desk, or Customer Service Department, but may have relatively little experience in this area.

The 200+ pages book will help establish an understanding of the role of facility services within the organization, and how to move from providing corrective services to preventive services. We discuss the functioning of the help desk, as well as things you should know about communication, customer-oriented thinking and acting, and complaint resolution.

Resource materials cover the following key topical areas:
- The fundamentals of facility management
- The concept of quality customer service
- Key characteristics of professional help desk staff
- Empowerment comes with the job
- The structure, goals and effects of a central facility help desk
- The importance of being proactive with your customers
- Customer-oriented approach
- Customers and customer behaviors
- Communicating effectively
- Telephone strategy and friendly, positive conversations
- Dealing with special cases
- Quality help desk service: it's all about attitude

Self-test section(s) included.

Free shipping to Singapore & South East Asia

ISBN: 978-1-897419-30-4
Weight: 1.00 lbs

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