Price: USD
This 280+ pages resource is designed for facility professionals who have contracted out the provision of certain
facility management services, and who wish to optimize the contractual relationship with outsource vendors.
The business practice of outsourcing has profoundly affected the discipline of facility management. While many
facility practitioners continue to question its use, it's difficult to debate the philosophy that organizations
should focus on their core competencies. Outsourcing is growing in usage and expanding in the number, type and
complexity of services outsourced.
There is a slow but increasing movement away from supplier type contracts in which the facility manager tells the
contractor what services are needed and how to provide them, to partnership type contractual relationships, in
which the contractor is held not only responsible for managing the services, but accountable for the results.
Organizations that have outsourced the provision of goods and services need to know if the contractor is doing a
good job.
Resource materials cover the following key topical areas:
- Guiding principles for contract management
- Methods of source selection
- Development of clear specifications
- Contractor selection
- Strategies for successful contract management
- Day-to-day contract administration
- Opportunities for improving contract administration
- Monitoring contractor performance
- Types of contracts and related performance problems
- Concluding a contract
- Sample performance evaluation forms
Self-test section(s) included
Free shipping to Singapore & South East Asia
ISBN: 978-1-897419-63-2
Weight: 1.00 lbs
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